Web Logs

24 April 2006 20:32 EDT | Posted by gddie05

Hi colleagues,

It has been a challenging, but enjoyable learning experience to be able to learn how to ctreate WebQuests and hyperlinks. I have appreciated the jargons of the Web such that if one does not follow the language of programming, then it becomes tricky to come out of the 'web'.

In reference to Tom March's article, "WebQuests for learning", which scenario is working for your class?

18 April 2006 22:57 EDT | Posted by gddie05

Hi colleagues,

Computing in education is fascinating! I had a chance to explore the use of Dreamweaver to create Web sites. Mozilla is more appealing to me.
Have you tried Dreamweaver?
The Web gives us a variety of resources, which we need to discreetly share with the learners.

4 April 2006 11:59 EDT | Posted by gddie05

I recorded a sound clip to practice the new skills I am learning in ETAP 526.
Oh ..my goodness... this is another exciting practicum for me!
I hope it is audible. However, I intend to edit it soon to make it much better.
The most important thing is that I have got the skill and will gain competence through regular practice.


Click to listen to audio clip My first audio file



4 April 2006 11:51 EDT | Posted by gddie05

Hello colleagues,

I checked Apple- Education Web site and found some new products called "iLife 2006 in the Classroom".

Has anyone used or tried out this 'new' technology before? What is it about?

The URL is: http://www.apple.com/education/ilife/

You can also check Apple-Education- Digital Learning Series.


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23 March 2006 00:51 EST | Posted by gddie05

Hi colleagues,

I am intending to carry out a research in Zambia on how technology can be used as strategy of increasing access to education.

Firstly, computer literacy among teachers appear to be very low. Therefore, in order to introduce computers in the classroom, teachers as stakeholders should be trained in computer basic skills. The issue is accessibility to the computer and Internet services which are far beyond an average worker's reach.
My question is: what strategies can we use to make the web accessible by teachers at a very minimal cost?


26 February 2006 23:25 EST | Posted by gddie05
Technology in Education
I would like to use My Web Blog as a means of sharing knowledge or information of how I can integrate Instruction Technology in my classroom. I teach Mathematics and Science Education in a Basic School Teachers College in Zambia. Less than 10% trained teachers have access to computers and most institutions of learning have no Internet service. What steps should I take in order to introduce and encourage the use of technology in schools? I need your suggestions of strategies of how to initiate use of computers in education in a developing country.

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