
There are 8 steps for you to follow. Before you begin each new activity, go to Evaluation, and you will find exactly what you will be graded on:

1. Choose a partner
  • Find someone with whom you work well. You will share a computer with your partner throughout the project. You will be responsible for helping one another in your learning.
  • Go to Evaluation. Look at "Participation"to see what you'll be graded on. 
  • Make a folder to store your work.

2. Brainstorm
  • What kinds of things could cause threat to sources of clean water? What do you already know about water? How could water be "under threat?"
  •  Brainstorm at least 10 ideas on your cluster map.
  • Go to Evaluation. Look at "Brainstorm and Notes" to make sure you do everything you need to do.
  • Print out your cluster map (1 per person).

3. WebQuest
  • You and your partner are going to use Internet resources to find out why sources of clean water are under threat.
  • Use provided paper/worksheet.
  • Visit all of the sites provided. Search for interesting facts, tips, and pieces of information that support what you included on your cluster map.
  • Record at least 3 important pieces of information from each site.
  • Both you and your partner are Researchers and Recorders. Take notes on your own worksheet.

4. Create a Concept Map
  • Find 2 other teams who are ready to share their brainstorms and notes. Compare your findings. Add any ideas you like to your notes.
  • Now use Inspiration to create a concept map. Click here to find out what a concept map is.
  • Show at least 15 relationships between poeple's attitudes, industrial activities, and laws on environmental protection. Use specific facts. Your concept map should show what you learned.
  • Make sure your concept map is organized on one page. It should look good and be easy to understand.
  • Go to Evaluation. Look at "Concept Map." Make sure you followed all of the directions.
  • Print out your concept map (1 per person).

5. Draw or Design a Poster
  • Choose one important idea from your concept map. 
  • Go to Evaluation before you begin. Look at "Poster" to find out what you'll be graded on.
  • Make a poster that illustrates the idea you have chosen. It must have an important message or helpful tip. You may use paper, pencil, markers, and/or crayons; or you may create a black & white picture in Kid Pix and color it after it has been printed.
  • The poster must: (1) have an important tip or message, (2) be neat, and (3) have no spelling errors.
  • After you are done with the entire project, hang your poster somewhere in your neighborhood to make the public more aware of this issue.
6. Reflection on the learning process
  • Complete a self-evaluation.
7. Presentations and discussions
  • Share work in 3-5 minute presentations.
8. Draft clean water protection bill
  • Class drafts a  sources of clean water  protection bill  to  be  presented to  Mufulira Municipal  Council and  the  Ministry  of  Energy  and  Water Development.

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits

Lesson Plan | Table of Contents